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border Property
The border property is a syntax in CSS that lets you draw a line around the element you want it to be applied to. The border property uses one or many different values such as border-width, border style (dashed, solid, none, dotted, double, groove or ridge lines), and border color.
border Property
:has() Selector
The CSS pseudo-class :has() targets elements containing other elements that meet the selector specified within its arguments. The :has() selector is also referred as "the parent selector" since it is able to target the parent element based on the "child elements" that are within it. An example of the :has() selector could be useful for styling components that have specific elements inside them such as an image. Being able to use the :has() selector makes that process much easier.
:has() Selector
:hover Selector
The :hover selector is a pseudo class used in CSS when the mouse cursor is over the current item. The hover selector allows you to change the display of the element by changing the font-color, text-decoration and more.
:hover Selector
Padding Property
The padding property is used to create space around an elements content by using percentages or lengths.
Padding Property
scrollbar-color Property
The scrollbar-color property lets you control the two colors of the scrollbar which are the thumb color and the track color. The scrollbar-color will also allows you to use dark or light values to match the preferences of the user.
scrollbar-color Property
:visited Selector
The :visited selector is a pseudo-class selector that lets you change the styling of the anchor link element after a user has click on the link. There are a number of things that :visited can do such as change the color, background-color, outline-color, border-color and fill or stroke properties.
:visited Selector